Thursday, April 22, 2010

Profile changes

Necessary as I am no longer 41.

42 today.

Oh well, at least it's a beautiful day.

My Mum's coming up tonight for a few days, and we'll all have dinner together, which I shall be cooking. I trust an Italian fish stew to no-one but me.

It will be great to see Mum, although she doesn't live far away, a lot of her time recently has been taken up looking after my Grandfather, who is now very elderly, and has had a spell of bad health.
She's going to look after the hooligans tomorrow night, and we're going out to dinner with a few friends.

It's very quiet at Gumpher Towers as boy 1 is at an outward bound centre with school for a few days. As we were packing his stuff the other night, he told me not to worry about shampoo and shower gel, as he didn't bother showering when they went last year. Stinky little sod.

So the plan for the day is to fire through a bit of work and get home. It's too bloody nice to be stuck inside an office, birthday or not


nuttycow said...

Happy belated! I hope you had a good one. You're right, sometimes it's just too nice and you have to make sacrifices :)

Brennig said...

Happy B!