Monday, April 19, 2010


I have been tagged by DJ Aspey to complete the following, and I think it is a tad tricky, to tell six truths and one lie about yourself.

I'll give it a whirl.

1. I have travelled to thirty one countries,and have lived on three different continents. Only eight of these countries are in Europe.

2. At the age of sixteen, I was the Welsh trampolining champion, and came third in the national championships.

3. I can kick a ball with both feet. When playing cricket, I bat right handed and bowl left handed. I can play racquet sports with both hands, but if you ask me to throw a ball right handed, I will throw like a girl. I write left handed, and cannot even grasp a pen in my right hand.

4. I have a 2:1 in Economics and Political Studies.

5. I learned to windsurf at an early age. It's like riding a bike. Whenever we go on holiday and I hire one, my boys are amazed that Dad can actually do that.

6. My second toe is longer than my big toe, on both feet. It looks very odd in flip flops.

7. My father died when I was fourteen months old.


Brennig said...

There are slightly freaky things in here...

Gumpher said...

Only slightly, and only one is made up.

Vi said...

Oh geez...that's just too hard to pick out! Ummm....the toe thing? That's the most normal thing so I'd go with that.

You've just remind me I've also gotta do this. Damn that Deej tagging lol!

Gumpher said...

The fib is 4, I never went to university.