Thursday, June 23, 2005

What in the name of God's gonads is Woodward doing with the Lions 1st test selection ? I still hope they stuff the kiwis, but I think I'm being a tad unrealistic. Okay I'm Welsh, but I don't think I'm totally one eyed. The man said he'd pick on form, and we won the Grand Slam for fucks sake.
Greenwood and Dawson on the bench !? Hells fucking bells No Henson or either Williams in the squad at all ! Lewsey, the best full back in thw world stuck on the wing, with Billy done fuck all for two seasons Whizz is at fullback ? My granny could get to the breakdown quicker than Richard Hill. And onto Jonny fucking goldenballs. Inside centre with a dodgy shoulder, not played an international since THAT bloody drop goal. So glad Clive's picked on form, what an arse bandit.

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