Thursday, January 31, 2013

Eat less and move around more

Losing weight really is that simple, I don't see what all the fuss is about.

I'm in pretty tidy shape for a chap in his mid forties. I play squash regularly, lots of walks with the fuckwit, and we eat a sensible diet. Since I packed in the smokes (nearly a year now) I've had the stereotypical weight gain, nothing drastic, but more than sat comfotably.

So, no booze at all in January, nada, not a drop. I do miss a good glass of red with dinner, and a crisp, cold cider, but it's been no biggie. Two days a week, 500 calories only. 500 calories is not a lot of food, but it's no reason to have unpalaltable food. A typical day would be;

Breakfast, one slice of wholemeam toast and a vitamin drink.

Grazing throughout the day, carrots and fruit.

Lunch, vegetable soup.

Dinner, spicy cabbage broth with either boiled chicken or fishballs.

Homemade steamed fishballs are lush, and the name provides the hooligans with minutes of endless hilarity.

" Hey Josh!"


"Guess what, the old boy is eating balls again!"

"Mwhaaaah ha ha ha aha ha !"

I've also upped squash to three sessions a week.

I've lost just over half a stone in three weeks. It's a piece of piss, and I'm verging on what the yoot refer to as 'buff', well, that bit might be a bit made up.

I'll be firmly back on the booze at the weekend, it's the start of the six nations ( I am Welsh, hear me roar, oops, what, another Grand Slam, etc, etc) and I have a freebie in a box at Castle Grim. I may be a tad squiify come the end of the day.

Monday, January 21, 2013

I now have a teenage son

Christ, that makes me feel old.

Bean turned 13 at the weekend

This is him at the physio last week, pretty much proof that kids can use a mobile anywhere, even when there's an electrical current being sent into their body.

He's now bigger than his Mum, and is catching me up pretty quickly. If you want to get yourself one of these, check that you can afford the food bill first.

Monday, January 07, 2013

'Tis, or rather, was the season

A rather enjoyable and laid back Christmas was had at Gumph towers.

The four of us, both mothers, and my sis back from Singapore for a few months, it was all rather jolly, albeit rather damp and soggy. Once again we came close to launching the Ark